My Colours Are Showing ⇒

October 26th, 2009 by

It's fall. Here, on the west coast, that means rain but I don't mind so much because I have always loved fall. Talk to me again in January or February and I'll be complaining like everyone else about my wet feet but for now, I am enjoying the weather.

The leaves are turning colour and making a mess on the ground. My tree is already bare and I've raked the leaves and enjoyed jumping in the pile with my girls.

The air is crispy. Even though it may be warm in the sun, there is still that...

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Sisters ⇒

August 21st, 2009 by

I have three wonderful sisters.

Karen is 3 years older than me and one of my very best friends. We have called each other Suzy for as long as I can remember because when we played house (which was probably every day) we were both named Suzy. We talked in a very high pitched voice. It most likely drove our Mum around the bend but she never told us to stop. We rode imaginary horses to the store, played shop with our school supplies and had epic two day games of Monopoly that I always let...

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The Other Shoe ⇒

March 7th, 2009 by

A few weeks ago, Daniella was very sick with a stomach bug. About every 48 hours she'd throw up a number of times. For the hours in between she seemed fine. Luckily (well not for me) I was the only other one who got the bug. Poor Erin started his Valentine's Day fishing me out of the bathtub at 6 in the morning because I had fainted. This was a first for me. Anyone who knows me knows of my fear of vomiting but I thought, as I sat there on the edge of the tub, there was not enough mind...

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Guess where I was tonight… ⇒

April 1st, 2008 by a hospitality suite at GM Place watching Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band. Oh yeah! The Boss! What a great birthday. A bunch of old guys ROCKIN' and I mean rockin' for 2 and a half hours without stopping. Did I mention my ticket was free? Thanks Sherry! I had a great time. sigh...well, I guess I've rubbed it in enough.

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