Summer slow down ⇒

May 8th, 2009 by

I was informed today that my main contract was being reduced by 50% until July. At first I was upset, but then I realized all that I could do with my extra time; play with the kids, let the wife go write, play some golf and work out a little.

Hopefully I don't get addicted to the extra non-working time!

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Working from home…in a new home? ⇒

August 30th, 2008 by

The two most interesting things that are going on right revolve around our house and my career. Our house is still for sale and our purchase agreement on the other house will end tomorrow night at midnight. Our plan is to let the agreement lapse, lower the price of our house and keep it on the market till the end of September. If we do get a decent offer, then we are going to see what is available and suite-able and then decide. If we don't get anything, then we will take it off the...

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Life Is Coming Together ⇒

July 2nd, 2008 by

The other day Christine commented that she feels like our place is finally coming together and I have to say I agree. Most of the interior issues are resolved with only either really minor things (light fixtures, etc) or some major ones that need some fiscal planning (W/D, new flooring, etc). And we recently made some major improvements to the back garden; we removed some ugly paving stones, shaped in a garden, moved some plants and put in some sod. The only thing left to do is weed and...

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What I want to be when I grow up? ⇒

June 20th, 2008 by

Christine went to a Mompreneurs meeting tonight and during our discussion of it, it came up that I would be willing to act as a technical consultant to anyone at that meeting.

I have many qualities that make me an excellent technical resource (to paraphrase a friend):

  • I always look for the simple solution
  • I like to get things done
  • I have phenomenal search capabilities

In addition, I keep up to date on all sorts of technical and industry news, which allows me to make quick and...

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