Working from home…in a new home? ⇒

August 30th, 2008 by

The two most interesting things that are going on right revolve around our house and my career. Our house is still for sale and our purchase agreement on the other house will end tomorrow night at midnight. Our plan is to let the agreement lapse, lower the price of our house and keep it on the market till the end of September. If we do get a decent offer, then we are going to see what is available and suite-able and then decide. If we don't get anything, then we will take it off the market and try again in the spring. If we take it off the market, we will likely do the flooring (carpet and hardwood) and we may fix the back patio.

My career is taking an interesting turn also. When I got laid off, I got a "temporary" contract doing development for a former colleague of mine; not my ideal role, but one that allowed me some breathing space while we figured everything out. The intent was that I would look for full-time work while I was doing the contracting. Funny thing happened though...I started to like the working my own hours from home; I enjoy the flexibility and the freedom. Not sure I can go back to 9-5, especially if it involves a commute. That, on top of a slow job market, has meant my transition back to full time work has been slower than expected.

The upside has been I am well on to my way to getting a two more contracts, both of which will be doing thing I like much better, like sales, pre-sales and business analysis. I am continuing to look for full time work but I am not sure how it is going to turn out.

Anyhoo, back your regularly scheduled programming...

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