So, Any More Time? ⇒

July 22nd, 2009 by

I started my new sleep pattern on Saturday, with a nap at 2pm and 9pm. Then I woke at 5am on Sunday and did most the scheduled naps (missed the 9pm due to ultimate. However, I was extremely tired all day, to the point of a quesy stomach and minor headaches. I felt better on Monday and hit my whole schedule. I am still not falling asleep right away on my naps, but they are getting better.

Tuesday I had a minor setback as I either turned off my alarm, or forgot to set it and slept until...

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Creating Time? ⇒

July 19th, 2009 by

I read an interesting article a few days ago about creating personal time by changing one's sleep to polyphasic. Instead of one big sleep during the night, you have a smaller block of sleep and then scheduled naps throughout the day. The theory is that after a few days, your body adjusts and drops into REM sleep during the short (30 min) naps, so you don't miss out on any deep sleep.

Many people have tried this and those that persisted reported that they ended up with more time and had...

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“Vacation” ⇒

July 7th, 2009 by

Last week we went with the entire DL clan to the sprawling metropolis of Bowser. We rented a beach house and had grandiose plans that involved lots of eating, drinking and general merriment.

Beach House

Then Elise started to throw up. Then Daniella started to throw up. They alternated all night, which was nice, and the next day Christine and I didn't feel that well. Then my dad didn't feel that well. So for most of the week, there were 5 of us that didn't feel that well, with the girls taking the...

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