Misadventures in Cooking ⇒

February 2nd, 2010 by

I tried to make homemade baked beans the other day. I had planned on a recipe that used ketchup and intended to make my own ketchup as I have been planning for weeks now. I soaked the beans over night, cooked them for two hours in water and opened the cans of tomatoes. When I looked at the ketchup recipe, I discovered that it was going to take 2 and a half hours. Ok so no worries but I didn’t want to use a cup and a half of Heinz (have you seen the salt content of ketchup!?) so I...

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Building a case for homeschooling ⇒

January 29th, 2010 by

It’s amazing how suddenly an idea can come to you and replace the way you previously viewed the world. Erin has recently read a great deal about homeschooling, approached me with the idea as something to consider for our children and whammo! I am now in the process of building a case for (or against) it.

In my usual fashion of research, I am doing a lot of talking about it with my friends and other resources. Erin reads. I talk. So for the next few months, expect to see arguments for...

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Happy Berfday To Me! ⇒

December 22nd, 2009 by

I just completed my half-way-to-70th year (as it was written on my lovely Tinkerbell cake) and I suppose I should reflect on my life of late.

This past year has been an excellent one. I left the realms of the self-employed and found myself an amazing role at a great little company. I was kinda sad to give up the freedom that being self-employed gave me, but I was (and am) very excited about this opportunity.

I am currently the VP of Sales for a small high-tech company called InTouch...

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