Happy Berfday To Me! ⇒

December 22nd, 2009 by

I just completed my half-way-to-70th year (as it was written on my lovely Tinkerbell cake) and I suppose I should reflect on my life of late.

This past year has been an excellent one. I left the realms of the self-employed and found myself an amazing role at a great little company. I was kinda sad to give up the freedom that being self-employed gave me, but I was (and am) very excited about this opportunity.

I am currently the VP of Sales for a small high-tech company called InTouch Technology. We are currently very small, but based on the last few months, I suspect we will be adding more people sooner rather than later. Our main product is a very niche product, sold only to health clubs to help them improve their sales. Health clubs are a huge market and we haven't even made the barest of dents, although we have had some great successes of late.

On the personal front, next year is our 10 year anniversary and we are planning a big trip, sans kids. We aren't sure where we are going yet, but Costa Rica or Belize are the top candidates right now. Any opinions?

See you all in the New Year!

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