Sad State of iOS as a Blogging Platform ⇒

December 27th, 2014 by

One of the reasons I don't write as much as I'd like, is that there isn't a good way for me to post my blog from my iPhone and iPad. I do realize, that if I had chosen a “normal” blog platform this wouldn't be an issue (like if I had used Wordpress or or the like) as there are many clients for those platforms. But I chose Statamic (which I continue to love).

By default, you can either use its Control Panel or save a specially formatted text file to your content directory. Both of those work well for me on the desktop, but neither are great for Christine.

To make it easy, I built a plugin that supports the Movable Type API. My plan was to use MarsEdit on our iMac and find a decent iOS app for my iPhone/iPad. It (my plugin) works great from MarsEdit but there just aren't any good iOS apps. BlogPress crashes when it connects and hasn't been updated for iPhone 6. Blogsy uses non-standard MT calls so it doesn't work with my plugin. I found SLPRO but I can't figure out how to get a listing of my posts and the English translation is very poor. Now, I would have more options if my plugin supported the Wordpress API, so I may do that, but it is much more complicated and would take quite a bit more time.

To just get going, I quickly built a plugin that accepts text and creates a blog post so that I can blog from a text editor like Drafts. It can't upload images, nor edit existing posts (have to use Transmit) but at least I can post.

It truly surprises me that there aren't more choices for blogging from iOS, but I guess not many people do it, or if they do it’s to Wordpress. Here’s hoping that MarsEdit comes to iOS soon.

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