The Science of Owwwww ⇒

November 26th, 2014 by

If I ever went back to school, I'd study behavioural psychology. I just love learning ​why​ we do things, especially when our decisions aren't rational. And how we continue doing the non-rational behaviour when there is so much good information out there.

I also love learning when science contradicts the "normal" or expected outcome. This happens a lot when your start to learn about your body and pain. Relevant for me as I always have something going wrong, body-wise.

Thankfully, I found an amazing science-based resource for learning all about pain. Even better, it is run by a good friend of mine Paul Ingraham, whom I've known for years (from Ultimate). He takes a common topic, like icing and then finds all the studies that prove or disprove a position. In this one, he describes when you should and should not ice your injuries.

The crazy part is that most people will vehemently disagree with you when you bring this up, or dismiss it "well icing works for me". What they won't do is read it and try to understand the data.

My suggestion to you, is go to his articles page and type into the article search (not the search box at the top of the screen) and find your pain. (Minor digression...I actually programmed that fancy drop-down and filter-as-you-search stuff!!). Then read the articles and see if you can learn a better way to treat your ailment.

Science good. Thanks Paul!

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