A Little Bit Faster Now ⇒

September 2nd, 2014 by

After I switched to Statamic (from Wordpress) and imported my old posts, I noticed my site was quite slow (3-5 secs).

Turns out when there are multiple entries that resolve to the same slug, Statamic's caching doesn't work that great. Once I found and fixed the duplicates, the site got better but still not great (1.5-3 secs). My framework, Bootstrap, requires jQuery so I changed from using locally hosted copies to CDN versions. I didn't understand that CDN could be much faster than local files.

Then lastly I turned on HTML caching in Statamic. This essentially converts my site to a flat file site.

Now my times are < 0.4 secs.

Last thing to do is minify and compress the remaining CSS files and tell Apache to gzip and cache everything.

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