What's Going On With Me? ⇒

September 1st, 2014 by

I started my new career search in Feb, quit my job in April (didn't end the way I wanted it to...story for another day) and have been trying to find the perfect job ever since. The challenge with my search is that I like startups, but they must be in juuuuuust the right stage to both need someone like me and be able to afford it. Oh, and they have to be in an industry that I am interested in.

So far I have met with:

  • Phemi - not ready for sales yet
  • FusionPipe - not ready for sales yet & I wasn't really interested
  • Pulse Energy - not hiring
  • Axine - really early stages
  • Lambda - applied but never heard back
  • Though Exchange - not interested
  • ePact - not ready for me yet
  • Energy Aware - fascinating company, gone quiet on me
  • Farm At Hand - another fascinating company, but still in the development stage
  • Healthism - went very far with this group, only to discover they aren't quite ready yet.
  • Quick Mobile - I'm not interested in them
  • Dept of Better Technology - found these folks by accident and they are veeeery smart. They chose to hire some more developers first.

I am currently working on two opportunities, one of which I should hear about in 2 weeks and another I'm hoping to hear more about this week.

While all that has been going on, I am also starting up Vancouver Sales Events to help improve the sales education in town. The first event, a monthly meet up to discuss sales challenges, will be happening on the 3rd Thursday of each month (I hope) once I nail down some space. The second event, a Sales Hacker event will be taking place at the end of October. I have 2 speakers and I just need to get a third one nailed down and we are good to go! Very excited to kick that off.

Lastly, I picked up a couple of consulting gigs to keep me busy. I'm helping Paul over at SaveYourself improve his site. You've all noticed the fancy bookmarking feature and new carousel, right? Take the time to read the site, there is a wealth of scientifically proven and peer-reviewed information about all sorts of aches and pains and treatments.

And finally, I just started helping a local software company with their sales process. It's good to exercise those sales muscles again. They have a great product that can really help brands/franchises improve their social media. Looking forward to seeing them improve.

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A balanced look at gluten sensitivity « Science-Based Medicine →