Backups - the hard choices ⇒

June 9th, 2013 by

I'm a huge proponent of proper backups (automatic, redundant and tested) but doing it "right" is very hard. My current setup: 1. local, hourly Time Machine backup 2. manual, monthly SuperDuper! backup stored in my safe-deposit box 3. automatic, nightly Arq backup With this setup, I can recover from just about any catastrophe and all my data is secured. My Arq backup is encrypted locally and stored on Amazon's Glacier service so I am not worried at all about someone getting my data. The major issue with Arq on Glacier is recovery speed & cost. By definition Glacier is cheap & fast to write, but slow (very slow) & expensive to retrieve. So the quesion is, is it worth it? I have two options: 1. use S3 for my Arq storage, which is fast to retrieve but costs me about $20/month 2. Backblaze, which is $5/month The issue with Backblaze is that I am dependent on them for my data. If they disappear, I lose all my data. Arq's file format is open so I don't have that worry. But Backblaze is much quicker to restore and only marginally more expensive than Glacier. Any suggestions?

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