A toilet training miracle ⇒

March 15th, 2010 by

Out of the blue Daniella decided to start toilet training to surprise Papa when he got home from his business trip. The first day went as you would expect - a lot of wet pants and use of my Little Green Machine on the carpet. By that evening, she did a poop on the potty after which we celebrated extensively. The next day, one wet pair of pants. The next day and since then, no accidents. She even went pee on the potty at the park yesterday. She has decided against pooping on the potty because it was freaky for her and prefers to put on a diaper for that business but even if she is wearing a diaper waiting for Numero deux, she pulls it down as if it’s underwear and pees on the potty.

I may yet be diaper free in 2010 and I’ll be able to put her in preschool day camps for the summer. phew!

But, what is with my kids and their poo phobia? I’m not pushing because, as long as she is not pooping in underwear, I don’t really care. She is still trained as far as I’m concerned.

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