Being Healthy ⇒

March 8th, 2010 by

We have been making a concerted effort to become healthier in both food and lifestyle and yesterday I realized why more people don’t do it. Because it’s hard. Not only that people and organizations do not think about the bigger picture.

Here are two examples of why it is hard:

  1. Miss Nella has a keen interest in swimming these days, so I have been taking her. Now, we live about 5 blocks from the pool, so I try to walk there. Last night she again wanted to go and in my head, because it was cold and windy and raining, I decided to drive. Then she said, “Can we walk?”. I groaned inwardly, but then realized how foolish that was. She wanted to walk so she could go on my shoulders, which she really enjoys. And why did I want to drive? Because I didn’t want to get wet or cold. What a wuss!

So we bundled up in sweaters and raincoats and headed to the pool. It is really, really, really hard to change these driving habits. Especially in the winter. So be strong people and live the good life!!!

  1. At the pool, Nella keeps wanting to eat the candy that has fallen out of the candy machines. I don’t let her, of course, but that got me thinking. This facility houses a pool and a gym. Why on earth are there machines dispensing crap like candy and chips? What kind of message are our children receiving? “If you exercise then you can have candy?? That’s crap.

Needless to say, I have sent a sternly worded message to our local pool mentioning this.

We have to remember that health is AN INVESTMENT and that like all investments, they require careful thought and continual monitoring.

← A toilet training miracle
Oh Do Stop Whining! →