Dare I say it? ⇒
People who know us well know that Elise has had a heck of a time learning to poop on the toilet. She never has accidents and has been going to get her own pull up to do her business in. A few weeks ago, I noticed that we had only 5 pull ups left on the shelf so I said to Elise "How about when we're all done these pull ups we don't buy any others." And she said "ok" and that was that.
I've been paying her $2 for a poo (as my dad says a toonie for a poonie) so that she can buy a particular family of Calico Critters that she has been eying. Today, I am happy to say, we are going to buy the coveted Panda Family.
$2 may seem excessive but if you had seen her clenching her bum so the poop wouldn't come out and go 10 days without pooping because she hates how it feels, you would think it was totally reasonable. Besides, I wanted her to be able to get her reward in relatively short order.
One down, one to go!