Happy Birthday Daniella ⇒

April 7th, 2009 by

Dear Daniella, You are two years old today and we celebrated with some friends with a froggy birthday party. We almost had to cancel your party because you were crying this morning because your tummy hurt. But, in true Sunny D style, you perked up just as I was making the calls to cancel and said "Go to party now?" I chose a frog theme for your party because you have had a thing for "hoppy hoppies" for about 8 months (though your speech is coming along so well you don't call them hoppy hoppies any more--mama always will though). Also you like to "go bouncing" on neighbour Emily's trampoline whenever you get the chance and you hop all over the house as well. Grandma and I found matching frog skirts for you and "Eesie" which you wore at your party. The friends who came to your party were: Bailey Kube and Justin Smyth from our Tot Moves class, Justin's sister Samantha, Meredith Gibb, Bella and Jonathan Fetterly and Derek Black. Also Nana, Grandma and Grandpa came to share your special day with us. You got lots of nice presents including a bubble blowing lawn mower and dump truck from all your aunties, water table and two sandbox trucks from Nana and Grandad, picnic table, cowgirl hat and bug viewer from G-ma and G-pa, My Little Ponies from Samantha and Justin, a tickle book from Meredith, Finding Nemo book and a kite from Bailey, Calico Critters bunny with stroller from Bella and Jonathan, a cool car with doors that open from Derek. For lunch we had frogaroni and cheese ("oni onies" are your favourite food), quesadillas, broccoli soup, veggies and chips and I made you these super cool froggy cupcakes for dessert. I had planned a couple of cool games for your friends including fly swatting (bubbles and fly swatters), frog bowling and a frog hunt in the back yard swamp but by the time we ate and opened presents everyone was ready to go home for naps so we didn't get to do any of the outdoor games. Some of the kids did make the frog hats I designed and did some colouring as well, so that's ok. I decorated with some paper lily pads, all the stuffed hoppy hoppies I could find and some cool dragonflies and butterflies I found at the dollar store. It was a great party and I'm glad you didn't have a tummy ache anymore so you could enjoy it.

And now to continue a little thing I started for you last year, this year's song lyrics that describe you (not that you're a problem....most of the time):

How do you solve a problem like Daniella, How do you catch a cloud and pin it down? How do you find a work that means Daniella? A flibbertijibbet, a will o' the wisp, a clown.

Many a thing you know you'd like to tell her. Many a thing she ought to understand. But how do you make her stay And listen to all you say? How do you keep a wave upon the sand?

Oh how do you solve a problem like Daniella? How do you hold a moon beam in your hand?

You're growing up so fast - in fact when we asked you how old you were going to be this year you said "14" oy! You have a mind of your own but you're funny so it's hard to keep a straight face when we have to tell you to stop doing something you're not supposed to. So, now you are two my little baby. I want to thank you for jumping the cue in Heaven to join our family earlier than we had planned. You really are mama's special gift - so sunny and lovely. We love you so much!

Love, Mama

← Now Time For Good Eats
Behold, The Deck! →