Window(s) Into My Life ⇒

February 4th, 2009 by

When last we saw young DL, he was moaning about the suite's sound proofing. Since then, his plans for renovating have yet again been derailed.

He did manage to successfully install sound proofing and a new drop ceiling, with much, much, much thanks to his friend Dale, who showed him how to do it. And thankfully the priming was completed a full 12 hours before the tenant moved in!

His dream of new floors has been a roller coaster ride. First the wall wasn't load bearing, then he was sure it was and then, unbelievably, his neighbour went into his attic (after some good Scotch to calm the mind) and declared it NOT a load bearing wall. Hallelujah and praise Rick! Help was quickly procured to remove the wall and plans were made.

And. Then. Came. The. Windows.

And the house was happy. And warm. And quiet. The bad news is that the old ones now seem much louder and colder than they did before. So the wall got a reprieve as the funds were redirected to replacing the other 11 windows in the house.

And DL's quest for a new floor was yet again thwarted.

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Cuteness Abound - Elise age 3 years 5 months →