How Laid Back Is She? ⇒

October 18th, 2007 by

Daniella is a very relaxed baby. I am also a more relaxed mama than I was two years ago. To prove the point, here is a story.

At naptime, I often put Daniella to sleep on our bed because Elise doesn't always take a nap now and if I do put her in her room, she often talks or sings and generally makes a lot of noise and wakes Daniella up. The other day I put her on our bed and after a couple of hours of not hearing a peep, went in to check on her. She wasn't on our bed. There was a split second of panic thinking since she wasn't crying she must have fallen and knocked herself out but then I looked on the floor and there she was, lying on her tummy, looking up at me with her huge grin as if to say "Hi Mama!!" I just laughed because the look on her face was so priceless.

I wonder how long she had been there.....

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