6 Months and Five Teeth ⇒
Daniella is half way to a year! It's been another eventful month for her. She went from sleeping through the night to all of a sudden needing to be fed every three hours. Being a lady who needs a lot of sleep, this has been a bit of a challenging transition for me, especially since Elise is starting to give up her naps: a transition I was hoping wouldn't be for a few more months.
We thought maybe she was hungry because my milk isn't enough for her anymore so we started her on solid foods. She was obviously ready for it and took to her oatmeal cereal right away. Now, I knew that we had forgotten a lot of things from our first time around with Elise but one thing I really had no recollection of was how incredibly stinky transition poop is! Man! Most of our blog readers are also parents so they'll understand the poop talk but to Clay, I'm sorry you had to read that.
At six months, Daniella weighs just 14.3 pounds, which means that she has dropped from 60th to less than 25th percentile for weight. It's not like she looks as though she's starving. She has her mother's thighs, poor thing! Our doctor wasn't too concerned but she still wants me to take her in to be weighed in a month and in the mean time, feed her more often. I was doing quite well on Weight Watchers having cracked that five pound barrier but I am giving that up until I get Daniella back on track. I don't need to count points, I need to count burgers! Of course, I am worried about the weight thing but I am trying not to let my imagination run away from me.
She has five teeth (well, she had two when I first started writing this entry but in the last week she has cut three top teeth!) She is enjoying solid food, loves vegetables and cereal. She has also taken to the Baby Safe Feeder (babysafefeeder.com) and devours pears and grapes like they are going out of style.
The things she loves include: playing pat a cake with her feet (she holds her feet and claps them together), walking round outside in the sling or the front carrier, playing with plastic bags, being gobbled under her arms...at least we think she likes it. She has a very strange laugh so we're not sure if she's uncomfortable or really likes it.
She is a real pro at getting around now: still rolling but she pushes a bit with her feet while she rolls to move forward at the same time, usually to reach something that is just beyond her fingertips.
Wise Old Eyes: of all the comments I hear from strangers and friends when they meet Daniella is that she looks older than her 6 months. Could be the hair-it's very stylish. More likely it's her eyes. Apparently, according to several people, she has wise old eyes. I have been saying that Daniella jumped the cue to come to our family earlier than we had planned. I think she must know something I don't and she has come to teach me. I can't wait to find out what it is.