...And we have lift off! - Daniella 4 months ⇒

August 8th, 2007 by

Daniella turned four months old yesterday. We had several big events this month, the biggest for her being that she rolled over from back to front on July 25th. Naturally I had my back turned for literally a second and my friend goes "She did it!!" and I looked back and she was on her tummy. I can't believe it missed it!

She weighs 13 lbs 6 ounces and is 27.5 inches long. That puts her 50th percentile for weight and 90th for height!

On a somewhat melancholy note, her hair now lays down flat and she has lost that newborn look. She is SO cute!! I think she looks older than she is because of how much hair she has. A woman I met yesterday told me she thought Daniella has a look of wisdom about her. I've been thinking for a while that Daniella jumped the cue to come to our family early - she must know something we don't. I personally think she came when she did so I wouldn't miss these important years with my children. I would be working full time and missing all of this time with Elise if D hadn't come along when she did.

She got her first tooth today. Only 19 more to go!!

We have moved her into her crib so the girls are now sharing a room. It has gone surprisingly smoothly...almost too smoothly. Elise sleeps soundly so even when Daniella wakes up for a feed around 4:30, it doesn't disturb her. I even feed Daniella in the room. The only challenge is when Daniella goes for a nap first then Elise goes down and yammers away. We are working on her quiet voice so we don't wake DD up.

Daniella has exhibited quite the temper. I have to admit, it likely comes from my side of the family. She sure gets right pissed off when she's had enough. She has tons of patience and will sit there quite happily for a long time but when she decides she's had enough, she ramps up pretty quickly! She gets this crazed look on her face. Big tears stream down her cheeks and everything--it's awful!

She loves her sister and watches her intently. In fact, she watches everything around her intently and prefers to be walked around or at least seated in the middle of the action. This is ok with me because she sits there for quite a while watching Elise and I play. She has been watching me eat quite closely lately. Won't be long, Daniella, before you can try some solid food.

One of our favourite games...well...ok...my favourite, is Ski Jump. I hold Daniella standing on my lap and she bends her knees and when I start to boost her back up again she suddenly straightens her legs. Since I kind of lean her towards me and her arms go straight down and slightly to the back she looks like she's ski jumping. It cracks me up! She enjoys sucking on her bottom lip and blowing spit bubbles. Ah to be entertained so simply.

All in all, Daniella, you have worked your way seemlessly into our lives in your first four months. I can't believe I thought we would wait so long to have another baby. Thank you for being early!

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