Being Healthy ⇒

March 8th, 2010 by

We have been making a concerted effort to become healthier in both food and lifestyle and yesterday I realized why more people don’t do it. Because it’s hard. Not only that people and organizations do not think about the bigger picture.

Here are two examples of why it is hard:

  1. Miss Nella has a keen interest in swimming these days, so I have been taking her. Now, we live about 5 blocks from the pool, so I try to walk there. Last night she again wanted to go and in my head, because...

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Oh Do Stop Whining! ⇒

March 2nd, 2010 by

I don't mind children who cry. I don't mind children who are loud. I don't mind children who climb all over the furniture, make a big mess with toys and don't eat their dinner. But I hate, I hate, I hate WHINING!

Bah Mumbug!

Please, Daniella, please speak to me in a regular voice.

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What? How frustrating ⇒

February 10th, 2010 by

Elise is having trouble hearing. It seems like it is just a problem with wax buildup (our Doctor couldn’t even see her inner ear) and hopefully when we get the wax looked after her hearing will be fine. Don’t get me wrong, I feel for her but it is SO FRUSTRATING constantly hearing “What?” all day long.

What a terrible mother I am. Elise should be the one who is frustrated but between her hearing impairment and the normal four and two year old selective hearing tendency and...

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The Decision…well, so far ⇒

February 9th, 2010 by

I think we have come to a decision on the homeschooling thing.

I do believe that we will homeschool at some point but I am going to wait until Elise is in grade three or so. I am very drawn to the idea of homeschooling and want to do that for them for at least part of their grade school years.

I think Elise would enjoy school at the age she is now and the social and academic “concerns” I have for public school won’t kick in until the middle grades. Also, the first couple of...

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