Staying Private ⇒

September 5th, 2013 by

Continuing my quest for privacy, I have decided to give BT Sync a try for my personal documents. I have moved all of my personal documents off of Dropbox. The only things left there are apps that use it to sync data/settings. I will work on those as I go. The iOS app is nice and it is fairly easy to use on my Mac so I am happy with that. I found out the Fastmail would only respond to an Australian court order so that makes me feel a little better. Though the NY Times would seem to indicate that the NSA may have the data upstream from the providers. Grrrrrr. I am going to try hosting my contacts & calendars myself with Mac OS X Server, so I am switching ISPs to one that cheap static IPs ($4/month) and does not block any ports. Ironically, they use Telus as their provider so I get the same service, for $5 more/month with no restrictions! Nice. Once I get that set I will decide on the email part. Getting there, getting there.

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