Why are people afraid of the enterprise? ⇒

December 19th, 2012 by

As someone who specializes in enterprise sales, this article rang really true. I feel that the app/service in the consumer space is what is heralded and spoken about most. Enterprise is seen as hard to break into, but I don't think that is true. We had a brief discussion about it on Twitter (apologize if I didn't use Storify right...first time) but nothing was really settled (can any thing really be "settled" on Twitter???). It is hard to make money in the consumer space because every person sees value differently. However, you can create a powerful narrative for enterprises that will resonate across an industry/niche. It does, however, require actual selling, which many people/companies are not ready for. Vancouver has some extremely bright people and some great companies and creating more great enterprise companies (StrangeLoop, ElasticPath, HootSuite, etc) is key to a vibrant startup culture. I am going to work with the fine folks at (Pixel Crafters)[http://pixelcrafters.ca] to set up a panel discussion around building an enterprise sales organization. I plan to have people from companies at each stage of growth (1-2, 2-20, 20+) answer questions about their challenges and discuss what they've learned. Let me know if you'd like to be involved.

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