Socialization ⇒

February 9th, 2010 by

I’ve been talking a lot with people about homeschooling. Big surprise there. Everyone has the same concern: how will my kids socialize? The homeschool parents I’ve spoken to say socialization is the least of their worries. In fact, when you homeschool, you go through the curriculum in a couple of hours a day so there is actually more time to socialize.

My sister had the concern that socializing while I’m there would be different than being at school and being able to do things without me looking over their shoulder. Maybe so,

Most people can see that school is not the end all be all of socialization settings. Erin and I have the means to put the girls in a variety of activities that would provide the side by side interaction with peers needed. As long as I’m not a Sparks leader or soccer coach, they will be able to socialize without me there.

I’m also reading a book called Hold on to Your Kids: Why Parents Matter which is talking about the phenomenon called Peer Orientation whereby the child’s primary attachment is not their parents, but there peers resulting in a blind leading the blind situation. It’s an interesting read.

My preschool teacher was finally able to point our some things about socialization that rang true with me. 1. Kids get their social foundation of what is appropriate behaviour until age 6 or 7. 2. In order to make a friendship connection at this age, they need the consistency of seeing that person frequently. This is especially true for someone of Elise’s nature in observing new kids for a while before she engages. Not to say that I couldn’t do that if I homeschooled but it would be yet another thing I carry on my shoulders on top of the academic education.

Mum was concerned that it would be too much for me with my anxiety. Fair comment and one that I had considered myself.

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