Quest For Fitness, Part 439 ⇒

June 5th, 2009 by

Every few months I say, "I wanna get fit" and then I come up with a great plan. Last time I bought time at the gym and prepaid for a bunch of classes (bootcamp, etc). I even went for a while to the gym once or twice a week and then a class once or twice a week. And...then...I...slowed...down...and...stopped...going. Grrrr.

So I thought back to the time when I was most fit and realized that I was playing squash, ultimate and doing martial arts. I had tried to find a martial arts school that I liked, but nothing measured up to my first one so I didn't end up doing that.

Then yesterday I discovered that not only was there an Ultimate league in Surrey, it is a 5 minute walk from my house! Of course I signed up for that right away and it starts on Sunday.

I also dropped by our local racquet club and I plan to start playing squash next.

That should at least get me going and help me shed those extra pounds I've put on and start to get my cardio back.

After that I plan to get to the gym, but we'll see how that goes.

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