Big Changes Are Coming ⇒

October 8th, 2008 by

I'm fat. Not fat, fat, but significantly pudgier than I want to be. I knew I was getting quite out of shape, but it didn't really hit home until I weighed myself at the gym (you know, the one I was going to go to twice a week) and saw 186 lbs on the display! WTF? 186 lbs? You've got to be kidding me.

So. A new plan have we. Erin is going to lose 10 lbs. Before I've said I would get in shape, but now I have a goal. Hopefully I can stick to this, unlike all my other promises.

Here's my complicated plan:

  • less junk food (especially chips)
  • less dessert
  • more water
  • exercise

I am pretty confident on the food side of things, but I am concerned I won't do the workouts. With two contracts, plus the family, plus the move, I always feel like I don't have enough time. However my health is quite important so I simply must make the time.

I have a radical plan on how to manufacture some time...quit wasting it. Christine and I have realized that most of the shows on TV are crap. Most of the shows we watch we download anyway, so why even have cable? Therefore we are going to reduce our package to just the basics, plus sports. We will watch less TV and our kids will watch less TV, which are both good things. The non-TV time will be reading time, exercising time, stretching time or working time.

Let's see how I do!

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