Barely Controlled Chaos ⇒
So, here we are a week into trying to keep two teeny tiny people properly watered and fed along with maintaining a household (not to mention the other two people in it!)
Here's a little story to show you how we are hanging onto "normal" life:
A few months ago we got a notice that our car insurance was up for renewal soon. Did we immediately go renew it? Bah, of course not! Then on Sunday, when we were driving out to Morgan's birthday party, Christine remembered about it. Whew, just in time. We would get it renewed in the evening once F1 was asleep. Have I mentioned that the car is in Christine's name, so only she can go get it renewed? As we pass a closed Aircare facility, we wonder if the car has to pass inspection this year. When we get home, we notice two things: one, that our insurance actually ran out on the 12th (!!!), so we have been driving around in an uninsured vehicle for several days and two, that our car does indeed need to pass Aircare, at least according to our insurance papers.
Now we have some problems, eh? We need insurance to go get insurance, and we can't get insurance without Aircare, which is closed. Niiiiiiiiiiiice. Thankfully, Christine comes up with a plan: 1) go get temporary insurance to cover Sunday and Monday. 2) On Monday, drop F1 off with a friend, go get Aircare, then get the insurance. Step one goes off without a hitch, and step two is looking great until she (along with Daniella of course) gets to the Aircare facility and discovers that the car does not need Aircare after all! Arrrrrrgh. Which means that the insurance person at London Drugs shouldn't have even given her the temp insurance as that information would have shown up on her screen. Grrrrrr.
Back to LD goes my little hero to submit a complaint and get basic insurance. Then off to BCAA to get the optional coverage. Then back to friend's place to reunite with F1. All this on the first day with both fiends and without me!
So, as you can see, we are just barely maintaining a normal life, but things will get better as we learn how to coordinate everyone.